Our Principal

Mrs. Sheila Gann, M.A.

  • 27 Years as an Educator at Dibrell Elementary
  • Principal of Dibrell School Since 2015
  • Masters of Arts in Adminstration and Supervision from Tennessee Tech

A Welcome Message from Principal Shelia Gann

Dibrell Weekly Announcements

March 20-8th Grade Bake Sale 

March 29-No School- Good Friday

April 15-May 3-TCAP TESTING (Grades 2-8)


Social Media

    Welcome to Dibrell Elementary School


    A school rich in history and love of education dates back to 1878 when the community of Dibrell received its name from General George Dibrell. Formal education dates back to 1902 with the establishment of Dibrell College and thrived for 21 years. Dibrell High School began in 1923 and had grades from first through twelve. In 1970, Dibrell was transitioned into an elementary school serving Pre-K through eighth grade with an average enrollment of five hundred students.

    Dibrell community members take pride in the school and proudly support the efforts of our faculty, staff, and students. We have been recently selected as a Reward School and School of Recognition for the state of Tennessee.  We offer challenging academics and several athletic programs building a fun and rewarding program.

    From generations of Dibrell families to newcomers to the community, we welcome you to our Dibrell family.


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